Paintstorm Studio
The developers of Paintstorm Studio (PSS) recognized this and the detail and control on offer make this a hard one to ignore. Before we get into the nuts and bolts of what is on offer a word of warning. I found the windows version to be a little buggy. Certainly not enough to make me stop using it but I did get the odd freeze now and then. Paintstorm Studio 这款软件定位于专业的数字绘画,其主攻方向是画笔。 我们为此尽了最大的努力,您可以轻松和快速地调整画笔来适合您的绘画风格。 任何画过画的人都知道,很难去评估绘画工具和所有看似无关紧要的细节的重要性,所以我们尽量不漏掉它们中.
Rob Redman opens up Paintstorm Studio and puts it through its paces – check out the latest digital painting tool..
Rob Redman opens up Paintstorm Studio and puts it through its paces – check out the latest digital painting tool..
Key features
Full control of all brush options
Bristle brushes of any form and kind
Stroke post correction
Parameters binding to the perspective
Dynamic interface (panels scale, opacity, color, tab-lock)
Custom panels
Full controlled mask-brush
Takes underlayer's color while blending
Digital painting is all about the brushes. While there are other tools and features that can be useful, if the brushes don't feel right or don't meet your needs then you won't continue to use the software, no matter how many filters there are. The developers of Paintstorm Studio (PSS) recognized this and the detail and control on offer make this a hard one to ignore.
Before we get into the nuts and bolts of what is on offer a word of warning. I found the windows version to be a little buggy. Certainly not enough to make me stop using it but I did get the odd freeze now and then. However the mac version has never given me any problems and, considering updates are free for life, I imagine any bugs will be ironed out soon enough.
The default UI is large and a little clumsy but does show you the options well while you learn your way around
Paintstorm Studio Free
Okay, so booting up PSS you are faced with the UI, which may look a little dated but after a little use you will come to love it. First off it ships with a number of preset workspaces, which go a long way to showing you what is possible, which is a substantial amount. The overall UI can be coloured, scaled and saved as a new preset. This in itself is nice, so you can change it to suit your other applications, including keyboard shortcuts. On top of this each palette can be changed too; you can nest palettes, hide them, move them, even have them small but so they enlarge when you move your cursor over them. Custom palettes are easy to make too, meaning your can build a UI with just the tools you use most and where and at what size you want. This is by far the most customisable UI I've used.
The personalisation doesn't end there. The real power of PSS comes in its brushes. As mentioned before, this is what you will spend the lion's share of your time doing so they have to be good and they don't disappoint. Choosing the brush tool from the main tool bar doesn't work quite like other options, such as Photoshop. You actually have a further palette with various brush types. This is more like Painter and works well, once you get used to it. Brushes are grouped into similar styles, from the simple strokes, to the wackier offerings, more of which later.
This was created in under a minute, with just two brushes and highlights how the adaptive nature of certain settings can aid the artist
Choose a brush and you can start painting, either picking colours form swatches, other areas of your canvas or from the excellent mixer window. There are many preset stroke types but the brush settings palette allows you to define just about every attribute of your brush, from the profile of the tip, to the shape of the stroke itself. This makes for about as powerful a stroke as can be seen.
The downside to this is that you can spend as much time tinkering when you might not need to, as actually painting is fun and does mean you can always get the look you want. You will see small square icons next to most settings. If you click this it will open a graph window where you can define the falloff for that setting. For example; if you want your stroke to thicken in the middle you could set a bell curve.
Paintstorm Studio App
This ability to drill down can make for a clumsier interface than some but in use it feels slick and you are never more than two or three clicks away from what you want. Plus you can save your settings as a new tool to avoid repeating yourself.
I mentioned wacky brushes earlier but really that is doing PSS an injustice. The presets are a bit wild when you look at some of the pattern and multi brushes but the power cannot be denied. Lock me now. Having the ability to merge two elements so that one pattern masks another is very rewarding and makes for some great natural media brushes.
Click the icon next to most settings to drill down for more levels of control
Dirt brushes also offer real usability, picking up colours below, even on separate layers. If the brushes themselves aren't enough there are the standard swathe of utilities, from magic wands and selection options through to the excellent perspective tool, which happens to be a personal favourite. If you want to paint something like a grass over a field, manually resizing the brush, all while varying hues would be tiresome. PSS deals with this issue with some aplomb. Simply define your perspective with a simple guide, then paint away. The strokes and profiles will be managed for you with distant strokes automatically scaled to suit.
Paintstorm Studio has it's quirks but the sheer versatility makes it an excellent option to consider for 2D artists and 3D texture painters. If you are looking for an affordable painting app, which lets you drill down to the finest levels of control then it's definitely worth at least trying.
Score (out of 5): 4
Price: $19 (introductory pricing)
Related links
Bandizip 6.06 full for mac. Head over to the Paintstorm Studio site
Check out the overview on YouTube
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